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Combining a rich history, the confluence of many a civilization and temperate climate, Islamabad - the capital city of Pakistan, is one of ...

Pashtoon Culture

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The history and the origins of Pathans has been a controversial debate however not much of a consensus could be formed . There were theori...

Baloch Culture

No Comments Baloch culture is opposite to the general perception about it. Though Balochistan is an area of barren lands, des...

Sindhi Culture

No Comments Sindh is one of the four provinces in Pakistan located at the Southern border. The province of Sindh has been nam...

Punjab Culture

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Punjab (the land of five rivers) is the biggest land area of Pakistan and is popularly known for its culture. It shares most of its cultur...

The Constitution of 1973

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After taking control of the government in 1971. Z.A. Bhutto started work on a democratic constitution for the country. On 17th April 19...

Constitution of 1962

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On 7 Oct 1958 the military assumed power in Pakistan under the leadership of general Ayub Khan who was the Commander in Chief at that time...
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